Mr. Junias Jakob, Chief Executive Officer, Oniipa Town Council
As a former Finish Missionary Station, Oniipa Town is privileged to be the African town to host the modular Fusion Grid pilot project. This project is in itself a contribution to realization of our first 5 year strategic plan for the period of 2019/20 – 2023/24, which is geared towards the rural-urban transformation of Oniipa.
Embarking upon smart initiatives like the Fusion Grid technology to address pressing socio-economic issues for our communities tops our strategic intents list. Electricity and internet connectivity are some of these much needed essential needs for our people at this time when they need it most to improve their livelihoods – including that of school leaners who need electricity and internet for their studies.
We are very ambitious to scale out this project to most of our vulnerable residents in informal settlements upon its successful completion. Our expectation is that it will be very affordable and user-friendly to the end users as we expect most of the system components to be sourced locally – thereby saving on material import levies.